I have been asked numerous times lately..
" Tannie is it proper for us to just ask for money?" My answer then,
was always a resounding NO! I use it think that is was just plain ol' tacky to ask your quests for money. To me this was like saying... " hey guys, you are invited to a great party(ie..your wedding) but you will have to pay for your meals and drinks, parking, music, wedding cake.. OK you get the idea.
Well, since times have truly changed and couples are getting married at a more mature age,
(medium age for couples to now marry is 26.7 according to askville by amazon.com) I have actually changed my thought's about this subject. Now please don't take my word or thoughts on this subject.. let's dig a little further and get some wedding experts opinions that names I am sure you are familiar with.
Emily Post: According to Post, it's okay to ask for money as a wedding gift, however, it is extremely important to do so politely. Here are some of Post's suggestions:
- If money is the gift you would most appreciate, get the word out to family and close friends.
- If you are asked point blank what you would like, you might say, "Whatever you want to give us is wonderful, the choice is yours, but money is at the top of our wish list."
- It's also a good idea to state the intended purpose. Perhaps you are saving for a down payment on a house or your honeymoon. Guests will then know how their gift may be used. (Source .www.emilypost.com/weddings/weddings.)
The Knot: The Knot has a whole page dedicated to this subject which would lead me to believe that would be a YES! Here is what I found was most information from them.
How to Spread the Word
If you decide to set up such an account, or simply want your guests to know that you'd prefer checks -- let your parents, close relatives and friends, and wedding-party members know that when guests ask, they can tell them that. But don't completely forgo some sort of traditional registry. Give guests a choice -- some may really want to give you something material, rather than just writing you a check. (Source. www.wedding.theknot.com/online-wedding-registry/bridal-registry-tips)
Rebecca Black: Asking your guests to contribute to any part of your wedding isn't polite; it is like asking guests to pay for the party. But, if they ask, then you may suggest this as an alternative. (Source , Etiquette Now )
So there you have, Two in favor and One and a half (the half would be me ..sorta of) Not in favor!
I guess this is going to have be left up to each individual couple and their families. I would love to hear what everyone else thoughts are about this subject..
To Ask for Money or NOT?
What is your vote??
Yes or NO?
Let's hear from you!!