The average age for a flower girl is around 5 or 6 years old. The key is to have them repeatedly practice their parts. Perhaps their parents could have them start running the girls through it long before the wedding, then have them walk down twice during the wedding rehearsal. Position the parents of the girls near the front rows so, if they get scared, they'll run UP the aisle rather than down it. If she's planning on using an older ring bearer, perhaps he could walk behind them to help usher them up the aisle. The flower girls could also hold hands- so if one trips or gets scared, the older one will be there to help. As long as it is rehearsed beforehand, it should be just fine. Also be sure to give young children VERY LIGHT things to carry. With girls I'd recommend flower balls or wands in lieu of traditional flower baskets. These are easier for little ones to carry and a lot less potential for mess.
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