A thank you from Devine Choices for my past and present clients!!
For those that know me, you have heard my proposal story, Or should I say the Story of the proposal that wasn't....Kinda of ...
My husband and I had a whirlwind romance. We met at Church in November of 94. Our first date was in February of 1995. We were married July 29, of that same year. For those that are counting we had our first date and wedding within six months of our first date We have been truly happily married every since. We truly agreed to just do it! We never really sat down and discussed whether or not we were going to get married it was always when we get married.... We both went to the jeweler and had my ring designed so I knew that the ring was coming but I thought that he would be Mr. Romantic and at least plan a nice night out to present it. Being the Right now person that I am the wedding date was fast approaching and no ring yet ! Plans were being made, invitations were ordered, counseling was finished and still no ring! Sooooo, being the less than patient person that I am, I started asking quite often....Where's the ring? Well, being the Mr. Take care of things person that he is... One Saturday afternoon he walks in the door as I was siting on the sofa planning the wedding of course, and politely hands me the ring and nicely say's ... here you go, take a look at it and make sure it is what we designed? Now you would think that I would be all upset because I didn't get the down on one knee, flowers and the whole candle thing.. NOT at all.. I looked at the ring, smiled really big and said yes, it 's exactly like I pictured it!
Sooo let's see... Technically He did ask me a question AND technically I did say YES... Ok.. Ok... I'm not sure that this really counts as a proposal... and being the hopelessly romantic that I am, ( hint... why I became a wedding planner)I have been giving him a hard time about it every since... I will admit that it is truly a joy watching him try to make up for the proposal that wasn't and ladies let's just say he is doing a great job trying!
Was your proposal the best?
If you think so, share the details with us. Was it romantic? Funny or just plain ole out the park over the top, You can't touch this, crazy in love? Share details please. DeVine Choices staff will announce the winner on Valentines day, February 14th, 2009.
Contest details: Who can enter? Anyone that has been a past or present client of DeVine Choices Wedding and Event Planning
Prize: You pick the gift.... Your choices are as follows:
- Honeymoon suite decor': The Total package... Flowers, candles, Champagne, Chocolate covered strawberries and flower petals everywhere!
- Bridal shower coordination (luncheon, tea or traditional party..your choice) OR
- Bachlorette party coordination OR
- Bachelor party coordination OR
- Baby shower coordination OR
- House warming coordination OR
- Birthday party coordination OR
- Candle package for your upcoming wedding
- Dinner Party from family and friends
Prize must be redeemed and used by December 31, 2009
I can't wait to hear from you guys.... Get to writing!For those who have not yet had the DeVine Choices Experience, stay tuned ....more contest are coming soon for all to participate,but I had to pay it backwards first !
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