I know that I have blogged briefly about me moving into my new home for DeVine Choices.
I have also briefly mentioned and shared a sneak peek of my "other half" that I share the new office space with. I would like to take this time to officially introduce you to Keisha Ervin or "Boss Lady as my husband and I like to call her.
It has always been said that it is not easy for two ladies to come together and share a room together much less a business! Before I introduce you guys to Keisha let me share how we met...
Back story: I met Keisha at a open house for a Caterer here in Houston, Texas that she supplied flowers for while waiting on a Bride and groom seeking out caterers for their upcoming wedding. Being the early bird that I am, I was there almost an hour early. No one else was there of course but Keisha and the staff of the facility who was rushing around preparing for the event. I noticed she had such a pleasant smile in spite of working alone while gently placing her flowers on each table. OK..this is so not true,it sounds great but ... here is the real deal........ LOL What really happened was..... I saw this lady manhandling these poor flowers and I thought, Oh lord I better go over there and help those poor flowers out before this lady tear them all to pieces. I asked if she needed help with the flowers, she accepted, thank God, and the next thing I know she had me working for her until my couple showed up. At the end of the evening I made sure that I had one of her cards (just to check on the flowers and promised that I would call her for a consultation for my next couple. I did keep my word, I called her and here we are years later sharing office space. ( yes, She still man handled flowers, but I am working on her to be kinder and gentler but she tells me that you cant be scared to shape and mold them to her Kreations. I know this to be true because she makes awesome kreations!)
Keisha and I are truly inseparable. You see one, you always see the other. Bridal shows, Dinners, Luncheons, Shopping, and any networking opportunity. It has gotten so commonplace to see us together at events that most vendors will ask, Where's your other half? You guys really compliment one another, you really should consider combining businesses.
HMMMM..... Maybe someday.
We thought about it for years and I would always say if the opportunity presents itself we would make the move. I always felt that as a planner I needed to be centrally located. My office was located in the Reliant Area of Houston and Keisha's location was in Sugarland, Texas. We would always joke,It's like we have two locations. She would meet some of her clients at my office and I would meet some of my clients at her office depending on the travel distance for them. It actually got to the point that our clients would even joke, you guys should just move in together to make it easier for everyone. This way, we can meet the florist and wedding planner at the same time. HMM .. we thought not a bad idea.
Fast forward to September 2008: Ike hit Houston, my building is in a business complex of approx 8 other office buildings. My building was the only building destroyed out of the eight other buildings and Keisha says to me, trying to look sad, but really trying to hide her smile " Ok, Tannie, Whats your excuse now, you have no choice but to make the move. You have no 0ffice space!"
I made the move about a few weeks after our conversation which was several months ago and I must admit I honestly love it!!! We truly compliment one another very well. She is the florist, very creative and business minded. I am the wedding planner, very focus and detailed oriented.
Keisha is a loving wife, mother of two beautiful daughters and a true friend. She is a Engineer by profession, a florist by trade and a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Inc.
It is my pleasure to present,
Keisha's Kreations, Keisha Ervin

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