Hello there!
I am sitting here at home the day after a wedding. I thought to myself how cool would it be to share how I feel the day after coordinated a wedding. I thought first.. Let's share what happens the day of.. Here it goes!!!
Noon Wedding
6:00 a.m. Wake up.. get dressed and head out to pick up fresh rose petals for decoration of Honeymoon suite!
7:00 a.m. Arrive at Flower shop..pick up rose petals
8:00 a.m. Arrive at Wedding location to drop of cloth for Brides Cake table
9:00 a.m. Return Home..eat breakfast ( thanks to my supportive husband) get dressed and leave for wedding
10:00 a.m. Arrive at Wedding locale
10:00 a.m. Unload car and began decorating tables ( 10 + head table)
Create and decorate Well wishes treel
Meet and Greet early guest (Allways early arrivals)
10:30 a.m. Meet with Weeding facility Staff
10.45 a.m. Bride and Wedding Party arrive
10:55 a.m. Settle bride in Bridal suite
11:00 a.m. Wedding Rehearsal
11:50 a.m. Line up wedding Party and prepare for Wedding to begin
12:00 Noon Wedding begins
12:30 p.m. Introduction of Couple and wedding party
1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Meeting and greet of wedding guests, coordinating band, meals, cake, toasts, dancing and staff, passing out of favors ( oh the list goes on... too much to list.. Whew .. I am tired just typing all of the duties...you get the message)
3:00 Assisting bride with changing into Getaway outfit
3:10 Announcing leaving of couple
3:15 Clearing the tables of decorations that belong to DeVine Choices
3:30 Packing Brides mother car with Wedding gifts, cake, wedding dress
4:00 Leave the locale
4:30 Home at last!!!! Finnish at last
6:00 Receive call from MOB ..Where's the extra cake???
6:10 Contact facility to locate the left over cake
7:00 receive call from facility.. the MOB has has the cake
7:10 Speak with the MOB and Oops she found it in her fridge...
Day over finally !!!!